Exploring AI in Marketing with Steven Millman

Exploring AI in Marketing with Steven Millman

Tired of all the AI buzz? You're not alone. From LinkedIn blaggers claiming monumental successes overnight to the looming dread of AI replacing marketers by 2025, there's a lot to digest. But is there any truth to the hype around tools like ChatGPT in marketing?

We recently sat-down with Steven Millman, the Global Head of Research and Data Science at Dynata to get the low down. In his podcast episode, AI. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, Steven gives us a candid look into the evolving world of AI in marketing – shedding light on the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Here are some highlights:

The Good

Generative AI's remarkable capacity to personalize campaigns like never before, from targeted ads based on minute data samples to real-time ad alterations tailored to individual users.

The Bad

The rising menace of AI-driven fake survey responses. The sophistication level of these fraudulent activities is skyrocketing, making detection a severe challenge for even the pros.

The Ugly

The potential pitfalls of unleashing AI without proper oversight. Remember Twitter's AI debacle? Steven delves deep into the risks of AI missteps and the controversies they can create.

Steven's take is clear: while AI has carved a significant niche in the marketer's toolkit, it's essential to wield it wisely. As the tech matures, early adopters will inevitably be at an advantage. But it's equally crucial to tread with caution, ensuring that your AI strategy is both effective and ethical.


Don't miss this insightful episode where tech meets marketing, caution meets enthusiasm, and innovation meets reality. Dive in and join the conversation as we unravel the future of AI in marketing, only on Unicorny.

Stay informed and ahead of the curve. Happy listening!

This article is an modified and condensed version of a blog posted to Stateofdigital.com by Ornella Weston.